Safety Pledge

1. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for protection from the torment of hell and hope to be admitted to Your heaven by obtaining Your pleasure, Forever.

2. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for forgiveness for all our sins and mistakes so that You keep us away from hellfire, forever.

3. We, all Your creatures and creations, O Allah, ask for strength to always stay on the straight path and be admitted into Paradise full of pleasure, forever.

4. All of us, all of your creatures and creations, O God, beg for your guidance to always obey your commands and keep you away from the torment of hellfire, forever.

5. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking for Your mercy and love so that we may always be in the shade of Your pleasure in this world and the afterlife, forever.

6. We All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, hope that you will be kept away from all punishment and be given a place in your heaven full of peace, forever.

7. All of us, all of your creatures and creations, O God, pledge to always worship you with full sincerity so that we are kept away from the torment of hell, forever.

8. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, beseeching You that we may always be guided and allowed to enter Your heaven, Forever.

9. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking for Your forgiveness for all our sins so that You may be pleased with us and keep us away from the fire of hell, Forever.

10. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for protection from the world's errors and You give us a place in Your eternal heaven, Forever.

11. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that our hearts are always clean and that You keep us away from the torment of hell, Forever.

12. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O God, begging you to forgive all our sins and lift us into your heaven, forever.

13. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking for protection from all evil and the torment of hellfire, forever.

14. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You protect us from the slander of this world and the hereafter, and enter us into Your heaven, Forever.

15. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, asking for Your pleasure so that we are always on the path of goodness and kept away from hell, Forever.

16. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging You to accept our acts of worship and give us a place in heaven, forever.

17. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for Your love so that we always live in the shade of mercy and away from the torment of hell, Forever.

18. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for safety in this world and the hereafter and that You keep us away from the torment of hell, Forever.

19. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking for guidance so that we are always steadfast in faith and kept away from punishment, forever.

20. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to allow us to be eternal residents of your paradise, forever.

21. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, begging you to forgive all our mistakes and keep us away from hellfire, forever.

22. We are all Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking for Your mercy so that You allow us to enter Your paradise full of enjoyment, Forever.

23. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O God, pledge to always be grateful for Your favors and You keep us away from hell, Forever.

24. We are all your creatures and creations, O God, begging for your forgiveness so that our sins are erased and we are kept away from the torment of hellfire, forever.

25. We are all Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You give us a life full of blessings and safety in the afterlife, forever.

26. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to accept all our good deeds and give us a place in heaven, forever.

27. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You give us peace of mind and safety from the torment of hell, forever.

28. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for protection from all forms of sin that keep us away from Your heaven, Forever.

29. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, asking that You always take care of us in this world and the hereafter, and keep us away from the fire of hell, Forever.

30. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to forgive our visible and hidden sins and keep us away from the torment of hell, forever.

31. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You give us the strength to always follow the straight path and be kept away from hell, Forever.

32. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for Your mercy so that we can be safe from all the trials of this world and the hereafter, forever.

33. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You make us grateful servants and keep us away from the fire of hell, Forever.

34. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You give us a life full of blessings and safety in the afterlife, Forever.

35. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O God, asking that we always be given the strength to do good and be kept away from the punishment of hell, Forever.

36. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for Your protection so that we are always safe in this world and the hereafter, Forever.

37. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask You that we may always receive Your pleasure and be kept away from the torment of hellfire, Forever.

38. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging for Your forgiveness so that we may be allowed to enter Your eternal heaven, Forever.

39. We are all Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You protect us from all forms of evil and the torment of hell, forever.

40. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, I pray that we are always under Your protection and kept away from the fire of hell, Forever.

41. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that we always receive the blessings of life in this world and the hereafter and be kept away from the torment of hell, Forever.

42. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You guide us to always be steadfast in Your path and be kept away from the fire of hell, Forever.

43. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You accept our acts of worship and give us Your Paradise, Forever.

44. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that we are always protected from major sins and kept away from hell, Forever.

45. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You always direct our hearts towards goodness and that You keep us away from the torment of hellfire, Forever.

46. ​​We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to pour out your mercy on us and protect us from hellfire, forever.

47. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask You that we are always in Your pleasure and that You keep us away from the torment of hell, Forever.

48. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, begging you to forgive all our sins and allow us to enter your heaven, Forever.

49. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You protect us from all forms of disobedience and the punishment of hell, forever.

50. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for protection from all the evil that keeps us away from Your paradise, Forever.

51. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking for Your forgiveness so that we may be saved from the torment of hell, forever.

52. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You give us a life full of grace and happiness in the afterlife, Forever.

53. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking You that we may always receive blessings and be kept away from hell, Forever.

54. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You protect us from the torment of hell and give us Your eternal paradise, Forever.

55. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You forgive our sins and give us a place in Your heaven, Forever.

56. We All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, beg for protection from hellfire and all the errors that keep us away from You, Forever.

57. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking that You protect us from lust that can plunge us into hell, Forever.

58. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging for forgiveness for all our past and future sins, forever.

59. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking You to save us from the torment of hellfire and allow us to enter heaven, forever.

60. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, asking You to ease us from the torment of hellfire and enter us into heaven, Forever.

61. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, begging you to pour out your love and protect us from the torment of hellfire, forever.

62. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You keep us away from the punishment of the grave and lift us into Your heaven, Forever.

63. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging for Your forgiveness for all intentional and unintentional mistakes, forever.

64. All of us, all of Your creatures and creations, O Allah, ask that You always give us guidance so that we always stay on the path that You approve of, forever.

65. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for protection from the temptation of the devil who misleads us and can take us to hell, Forever.

66. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking You to always be steadfast in worship and to keep us away from the torment of hell, forever.

67. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You cleanse our hearts of bad qualities and keep us away from the punishment of hell, Forever.

68. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You give us safety in this world and the hereafter, and keep us away from the torment of hell, Forever.

69. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging that we may always be given patience and sincerity in living life, and be kept away from hell, Forever.

70. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking that You accept our repentance and keep us away from the torment of hellfire, forever.

71. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You give us strong faith so that we remain on Your path and avoid hell, Forever.

72. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking that You always give us sufficiency in this world and the hereafter and keep us away from the punishment of hell, forever.

73. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You protect us from all the slander of the world that can lead us to hell, Forever.

74. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, asking that You make us servants full of gratitude and kept away from the torment of hell, Forever.

75. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You protect us from all evil in this world and the torment of hell in the afterlife, forever.

76. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, asking that You keep us away from the punishment of the hereafter and give us a place in Your heaven, Forever.

77. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to allow us to enter your eternal heaven and be kept away from hell, forever.

78. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You always direct our hearts and minds to goodness, Forever.

79. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You pour Your mercy on us to be safe in this world and the hereafter, Forever.

80. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You protect us from pride and arrogance that can lead us to hell, forever.

81. We All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask for protection from all small and big sins that can keep us away from Your mercy, Forever.

82. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking that You forgive our visible and hidden sins, forever.

83. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You give us a deep love for worship and keep us away from the torment of hell, Forever.

84. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You protect us from the nature of envy, jealousy, and envy that can plunge us into hell, forever.

85. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You guide us to always do good and gain Your pleasure, Forever.

86. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O God, asking that You give us peace of mind and firmness of faith in every test of life, Forever.

87. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, beg that we may always be in a pure state and be kept away from the fire of hell, Forever.

88. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You give us guidance so that we are always steadfast in worship, Forever.

89. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You guard our tongues from bad words and keep us away from hell, Forever.

90. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You always give us physical and spiritual health so that we can continue to worship You, Forever.

91. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O Allah, we ask for protection from Dajjal's slander and the torment of hell on the Day of Judgment, Forever.

92. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking that You give us the strength to always remember You and stay away from sin, forever.

93. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to keep us away from misguidance that can lead us to hell, forever.

94. We are All Your Creatures and Creations O God, asking that You protect us from the temptation of lust and give us Your paradise, Forever.

95. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging you to pour out your grace on us so that our lives are full of blessings and far from the torment of hell, forever.

96. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we ask that You keep our hearts clean from hypocrisy and keep us away from hell, forever.

97. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, begging for protection from all the slander of the world that can plunge us into hell, Forever.

98. We are All Your Creatures and Creations, O God, asking that You give us patience and sincerity in facing the trials of the world, Forever.

99. We are All Your Creatures and Creations Oh God, we beg you to give us eternal Paradise and keep us away from hellfire, forever.

100. We are all Your creatures and creations, O God, asking that You give us a happy end of life and keep us away from the torment of hell, forever.

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